I have once again neglected my blog.  It's not on purpose, I just really don't have any thing exciting to talk about or confessions or anything.  Same old Same old.  I did break my camera.  I don't know when I'll get it fixed.  Hopefully before the holidays? IDK. 
I really really think I have anger issues.  It has to do with a lot of different things - different things I'm going through.  I hurt some people tonight and it wasn't intentional it was more like I didn't think before I acted kind of thing.  Yeah, I'm not the greatest and I never said I was but I actually know what I'm doing.  Certain things bother me and when those certain things are rubbed raw I start showing the ugly.  It's not very pretty.  I'm sorry if you had to witness my ugliness. 




Life is so short.  We come into this world, we grow up, we move out, we get married, we have kids, they grow up and then we die.  Then the cycle starts again.  Why couldn't I realize to slow down and smell the roses when I was younger?  I was such in a rush to grow up I missed all the keys. 

To be continued...




Back a couple of years ago I thought we had a really great friendship.  I thought we were tight.  I was blinded by the things you would do or I would let them go unnoticed.  Because you were such a good friend to me it all didn't matter.  I had my blinders on - you couldn't do that to me - we are pals?  When you stole something from me that really mattered I was crushed and it didn't belong to you but you kept it and it wasn't yours to keep and we played the pretend game.  The pretend game that every thing was just peachy.  You have cried wolf way to many times and I don't believe you anymore. 
To all things is a season.  To all things it will pass.  As when we took our first breath to when we take our last.  We are all human.  We never think about these things on a regular basis unless it stares us in the face.  We all just live life.  To some it may be scary facing the unknown. To some it may be sad as the things we leave behind. 
How come we never really think about these things?  We were born with reason and purpose but yet our life gets in our way.   I don't want my mind to drift wondering about tomorrow.  I'm praying for you.
What is noise? 
Noise is random grainy tiny dots in a photo. 

What causes Noise?
Noise is caused by two different things.  1)  High ISO's and 2) Long Exposures
You start to see some noise when you start going over 400 ISO and really noticeable at 6400 ISO

Why does it happen?
When you raise the ISO to increase the sensitivity of the sensor in other words you have less light.

Long Exposures
Some pixels might register as photons because the longer the image is exposed the heat can be mistaken for photons.
Who am I?  Who am I to judge who is and who isn't a fauxtographer? 

I'm am done with "liking" worthless Photographers on facebook.  Not only are you making me want to punch you I'm actually promoting your mess.  What does that actually say about me as a Photographer if I like your mess?  It says I'm right there with you in faux world.  I'm no where near that.  So all you people out there that come to me and ask me to like a photography page and vote on your precious baby(ies) or who ever so you can win what ever - I will turn you down and say, "Sorry, I don't promote fauxtographers." 

What a fauxtographer is to me?  If you can't hit a focus point consistent (such as eyes - if eyes are not in focus you've done lost the photo entirely), If you have orange or blue aliens, if you have drowned out your photo with special effects, if you blew photos in the highlights and low lights, poorly done compositions,  overly done selective coloring (specially with the free programs on the web), if your profile says "$ Cheap", if you have your photos printed at Wal-Mart, Wal-Greens, CVS, ect, I could keep going but I'm stopping there.  I'm done with you...  You have no idea how to be a photographer and I'm not following your crap.

P.S.  If I have liked your page in the past and I find you - you will be deleted.  Just FYI
Nikon users (Using a D90) - Hit your menu button - and go to your "Set Up" menu.  The fifth option down should be Image Dust Off Ref Photo.  Push Ok and it will take you to another menu - Start or Clean sensor then start - I usually clean my sensor then start - Wait for a second then it will come back and say take photo 10 cm away from a bright object.  After that you will be able to view dust on your sensor.  Your photography FYI of the day :)  Happy Cameras means Happy Photos!!
I feel like a prisoner.  The only thing that is lacking is the lack of chains.  Everything I wanted for my life crumbled many years ago.  It was no mistake,  no accident.  Everything happens for a reason - my favorite quote.  Everything I chose,  this is the outcome.  Is it really my fault as to where I sit?  Did I really just make the bed so I could lie in it?  I have much much love in my heart but the only thing its producing is hate.  As the world turns I see myself slipping deeper and deeper into this thing called depression.  But really is it all my fault?
A RAW file is like a film's processed negative.  It contains all information captured by the sensor.  JPEG was invented as a more compact file format that stores "most" information in the image.  When JPEG's compress the information loses some image data.