Hey!!  Where are you people?  I see you but no comments no likes?  I feel like I'm talking to walls? 
Feeling a little better but still in pain.  I have to keep moving and can't stay in one place for very long.  Sitting in front of my computer becomes a chore? or ? instead of luxury.  I miss my friends.  I miss editing.  I miss sitting here playing around with what ever on the computer.  I want to be better instead of feeling this way.  Off to bed - good night all who reads my blog.  :)
I know I'm not truly alone but it feels like I'm lost and alone.  It feels like every one that is close but so far away.  I feel like I'm all alone.  I feel like I'm traveling this road all alone, afraid, scared and all the above.  I haven't sat at my computer for more than 5 minutes and for people that know me knows that is so unlike me.  I'm so scared.  I can't breathe, I can't get comfortable.  I feel so weird inside.  It's the unknown that scares me so and the pain that is unexplainable.  I just want to feel normal. 

I know I'm not alone.  I know that every breath I take Jesus is beside me.  I know he sees my pain.  I know he sees my thoughts.  He knows everything about me. 

It is so unbearable to sit here so I must go.  Please Lord help me.
I went to the ER yesterday morning.  I have been having chest pains.  They took some x-rays and did an EKG and some other stuff.  After all that they come back to say I don't know?  I don't know whats wrong with you?  You need to go see another doctor.  So now I'm in panic mode as if I wasn't before.  It's now 100% more panic than before.  I feel weird, out of place and very emotional.  Please if you pray - say a prayer for me.

On another note, mom was at the ER to - not for me - she had came in a couple hours earlier for being sick and was still there when I was there.  We were a couple of doors down from each other.  It made it even harder because I didn't have my "mommie" there by my side.  I did have the wonderful support of my husband and my mother-in-law which made it a little better.

I'm still not feeling well. :(  Please pray.  Thank you.
We never really got to celebrate Christmas with husband's side of family so today we are having Christmas dinner at his mom's!!  I'm so excited about Christmas dinner!!  I love turkey and all the stuff that surrounds Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners!!  I'm also excited to spend some time with my mom today!! 

Hope everyone has a fabulous Saturday!!
So I've been here sitting and thinking about something I saw posted to facebook a couple of days ago.  The post read, "Don't tell people your problems because, 80% don't care and the other 20% are glad you have them."  Is this really true?  I wonder?

After last post I caved in and went to snuggle with my blankets.  I slept for a couple of hours and felt  much better.  Anyone see Revenge tonight?  It keeps getting better and better.  Charlotte and Emily being half-sisters = crazy madness!!  I also watched Mobbed tonight - it was good but not as good as it could have been.  Well, thats my thoughts for this evening.  All have a great night or morning and sleep tight.
I have been sitting at my computer since 6:00 am and briefly left to get the kids on the bus.  When I left to put the kids on the bus Hershey our dog started barking cause he wanted to go to but I didn't take him.  When I came back I found hubby was up and he started watching tv so I have to wear my head phones to play the computer (for games and such).  Well, I was sitting here "scheming"  as to what we could get into today.  I took off my head phones for a brief minute to hear nothing other than RAIN!!  Who wants to go do any thing in the wet cold rain?  Ugh,  rain makes you want to sleep.  Rain is gloomy in winter.  Now all I want to do is go snuggle with the blankets. 
I'm not fond of my new layout design.  I'm pretty picky and weird about stuff like that.  I have design block - it's kinda like writer's block lol.  I'm not even sure if I like my logo.  I know I know I change stuff all the time...  I have Design / Photography OCD!!!!  Is there medication for that? 

On another note I like this video I saw today - hopefully I can get it to post here....

Fotoshop by Adobe Video

Or maybe not - click to go to video in another screen!!

Here we go...  Rushing into the new year.  One week and two days already gone.  I haven't stuck to my resolution.  Not one inch of it.  The time is already flying by.  Stop for a minute please, so I can catch my breath. 

I'm ready for Spring but I'm not rushing it to get here.  I'm not a fan of cold and dreary days but I long for the crisp cool breeze, the sweat smelling flowers, the warm sun and things to be green!!  
I think I'm doing a very good job at procrastination.  I'm also doing a very good job of staying away from my web site.  *Sigh* 

My husband's father passed away December 29.  Thank you for all that prayed and is still praying. 

Happy New Year - I'm a couple of days late...  Ummmm a week late but Happy New Year!!  I pray that this year will be an awesome year and I can get things squared away to where I need them to be.  I'm just hoping and praying in the months to come that things will pan out.  Waiting.....  I hate waiting.........  But thats what I've been doing for the past year......  Waiting....  Trying not to get my hopes up.