I knew it had something to do with my kids...  I just knew it.

I went on a mad search cleaning spree this morning.  Determined to find my battery charger and my chord.  If I don't have my camera I can't function properly.  I know it's insane but true.  I searched high and I searched low.  After my hour in cleaning up to my knees I found it.  In my closet stuck under shoes and this and that junk and storage.  I picked it up and it had this white goo junk on it.  I brought in here to my husband and I was like what the heck is that all over my cord?  He thought a minute and thought and then....  Wait for it....  Wait for it....  Halloween Make-up............................................  Halloween make-up from last year we didn't use all to maybe save for this year or who knows what?  I guess my kids wanted to experiment make-up plus my chord?  It's not to bad damaged and still useable thank Jesus!!!!!!!!  And thank Jesus I found it!!!!!!!!!!  If any thing goes missing just ask the kids.....  They probably won't tell you but still....  Cause this morning before they went to school I had asked them where it was at and if they had seen it....  Their response was of course no....  Ummmmmm Hummmmmm.......
I'm so ready for this day to be over with and it's just starting.  (Well, thats what I'm thinking anyway).  I'm so disappointed at myself.  I have my days and nights mixed up.  I hate staying up all night and hate sleeping through the day.  Some times I just can't sleep.  I'm not tired.  Nobody gets it but me.  I'm so over it. 

It's not that I mean to.  I really don't know what keeps me up.  Well, I take that back - my brain starts racing and I have some thoughts and that keeps me up.  I'm just over it and wish I knew had to cure this deal.  There is sometimes when I have to make myself go to bed.  If I didn't make myself - wonder how long it would be before I'd pass out?  Not that I want to test that but just saying.  I'm still wide awake.......................
I have completely lost my mind and my brain.  I have been looking for my camera battery cord and the battery charger for 2 days now.  I usually keep it with my camera in my camera bag but I remember taking it out for something.  But what was that something?  I can't remember.  I can't remember the last place I had it or what I used it for?  I am devastated because I want to take a picture of my daughter sleeping cocoon style and my camera won't even turn on............   I've tried retracing my steps but that leads to no where?  I remember taking my camera camping and remember charging it up at the camp site and I remember bringing it back home and I know I must have charged it up since then?  The usual places where I charge my battery - it's not there either.  Gosh, April, where in the heck or what the heck have you done with it?  The search continues....  I pray - praying really hard I find it soon.
Hey you - whatcha up to?  Me - I'm ok.  I got this pain in my neck I've had for about a week now, still feeling under the weather and I have pain in my leg ever so often.  I feel like I'm 80.  So whats going on in your life?  Me - nothing really just facebooking it at the moment and writing this blog.  Anything exciting going on in your life?  Me - Just the usual. 

No, I'm not talking to a brick wall - I'm talking to you - I hope you've had a good day :)

I don't have any thing exciting or witty to say.  So I wanted to pretend I was having a conversation with you.  Hope to hear back from you :)
No, It wasn't the ketchup that sent me into a whirl wind of sadness.  It's just all the things that surround the ketchup along with the ketchup. 

It's just all the things I think about when I'm by myself.  That's what worries me and makes me sad.  Times are hard and we are at a low point.  When will we see sunshine?

Philippians 4:6
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Anxious - 1. Experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

Supplication - also known as petitioning is the most common form of prayer, wherein a person asks God to provide something, either for the person who is praying or for someone else on whose behalf a prayer of supplication is being made, also known as intercession.

Thanksgiving - The expression of gratitude, esp. to God. (Gratitude - the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful)

I know I know you not suppose to take photos of the sky.....  So I was taught.  But I have a huge fascination with the sky, clouds, sun, moon, stars, the way the light moves across.  It's beautiful and it's art.  I cringe when I see photos of the sky (mine or others) because I was taught not to take photos of the sky and so on.  But....  But...  But....  I love the artness.  (I know thats not a word) 

Every morning when I take my girls to the bus stop I can't help but notice the sky and all it's art.  It's like a story unfolding.  One minute the sun reflects light over here and then reflects over there.  The sun was pink this morning and I rushed inside to grab the camera and when I came back out the sun had slid behind the clouds in the 2 seconds I ran to grab the camera - I was super bummed.  But I saw light rays.  To me it was beautiful.  A moment in time captured at how beautiful it was to me.  Here are some photos of light rays and the beautiful sky.

I twittle my hair.  I have done it ever since I can remember?  It's a security?  Maybe?  There are certain times I twittle my hair.  When I'm bored, sleepy, mad or nervous.  There maybe other times I just might not notice.  My twittleing (is that a word?) gets so bad that sometimes I make huge knots in my hair.  If I make a knot I usually pull it out if not to bad.  I get embarrassed going and having my hair cut cause I'm afraid the hair dresser can tell. LOL
Every morning I walk my kids to the end of the road so they can get on the school bus.  I'm afraid for them to walk themselves up there because I can't see to the end of the road and people are crazy at this day and time and not only that - there is "Bigger" kids that wait up there to get on the bus.  The bigger kids like to play in the road, play kick ball in the road, yell and scream at cars and so on so I'm afraid my kids will think they can do this to like an influence kind of thing.  Also we live off a really busy road and their bus stop is in a curve and people fly around the curve.  If only the bus could come in the neighborhood that would be awesome but so much for wishful thinking.

But anyway, when I walk them up to there the sky always grabs my attention.  Its so beautiful in the morning.  The clouds, the sun, the sky, the colors, sometimes the moon is still visible - everything is so beautiful.  Well, this morning the sun was a bright orange and of course I had to go grab my camera - oh and if only I lived in a good spot to take photos of the sun coming up and the sky - that would be awesome to but wishful thinking again.  So here is one of the photos I took this morning of the beautiful sun.

Today was so beautiful and absolutely amazing.  The only bad part?  I was only outside for 15 minutes.  Still feeling under the weather and I really had nothing to do outside and no car to get me anywhere so what was the point?  Today would have been an awesome day for photos...  If only If only...

I still don't get it?  Another photographer "fauxtographer?"  just popped up and already people are flocking.  I just don't get it?  I just have to keep thinking - people have to value me and the people that inquired in the past don't value me or I'd get some where.  Just speaking my mind. 

I read another good article today which can be found here - http://www.takeoffyourmommygoggles.com/consumers/about-pricing/
It's about pricing for all you "photographer's" out there that follow my blog. 
Back a year ago I posted this to my facebook:

You've been living for 30 years, 0 months, and 22 days.
You were born on a Tuesday.
Your date of conception was probably 6th November 1979.
You've seen 8 leap years.

Your Zodiac Sign is Leo.


July 23 to August 22

Symbol - The LionElement - FirePlanet - Sun

Love Life:You are a superb kisser, an unpredictable but passionate lover.You love to have the upper hand in your relationship.More Compatible with - Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries, PiscesLess Compatible with - Scorpio, Gemini, Capricorn

Qualities Of LeoLeader, Magnanimous, Charming, Creative, Faithful, Loving, Lavish, Honest, Powerful, Confident, Noble, Optimistic, Cheerful, Ambitious, Majestic & Romantic.

Lucky Color - Golden Yellow Lucky Stone - Ruby Lucky Day - Sunday Lucky Number - One Lucky Metal - Gold

Your Chinese Zodiac Sign is Monkey.
Your Chinese Astrology Sign- Monkey

Qualities - Inventive, Attractive, Entertaining, Generous, Witty, Loving, ReliableMore Compatible with - Rat & DragonLess Compatible with - Tiger & SnakeLucky Season - SummerLucky Month - AugustLucky Stone - EmeraldLucky Numbers - 3, 4, 5, 7Lucky Color - Violet & WhitePolarity - Yang

Your Ruling Planet is Sun.

Your Birthstone is Ruby.

Your Birth Flower is Larkspur.
Birth Flower- Larkspur
Larkspur is the birth flower for people who are born in July. The Larkspur symbolizes good luck, laughter and lightness. If your birth flower is Larkspur: You have a charming and a dynamic personality.You have a wonderful sense of humor. You have a warm and inviting personality. Your family is very important to you in every aspect of your life.

Your Birth Tree is Cypress Tree.

Your Birth Number is 9.

Your Birth Number - 9

The Influential The number nine is associated with luck and accomplishment. You are a charming person who can make friends very easily. You like to be in control of any situation you are in. In a group of friends, you are likely to be the most entertaining person. You are a compassionate person who goes out of way to help others. You are sensitive but few know it.

Time till your next Birthday 342 days 18 hours 46 mins.

Your Lucky Color is Golden Yellow.Your Lucky Day is Sunday.Your Lucky Number is One.

I wish I could find where I found this?